Course Outcome
F.Y.B.A.(Economics) According to N.E.P. 2020
Indian Economy – I
CO 1. The Students shall be able to understand nature of Developed and Developing Economies.
CO 2. Learners will understand major issues regarding economic development of India.
CO 3. Ability to compare and contrast Indian Economy with other world economies.
CO 4. After completing the course, the students will be able to appear for various competitive examinations.
CO 5. To familiarize the students with the recent developments in the Indian Economy
Indian Economy – II
CO 1: Students will be able to understand the various aspects of Population.
CO 2: The students will be able to acquire the practical knowledge of Occupational Distribution in India.
CO 3: The students will understand the challenges before industry, agriculture and Service Sector in India.
CO 4: To help the students to prepare for varied competitive examinations.
G -2. Financial System
- To understand fundamentals of modern financial system.
- To understand the recent trends and developments in banking system.
- To understand the role of the Reserve Bank of India in Indian financial system.
- To provide the knowledge of various financial and non-financial institutions.
- To provide the students the intricacies of Indian financial system for better financial decision making.
S -1. Micro Economics
- To develop an understanding about subject matter of Economics.
- To impart knowledge of microeconomics.
- To clarify micro economic concepts
- To analyze and interpret charts, graphs and figures
- To develop an understanding of basic theories of micro economics and their application.
- To demonstrate that the theories discussed in class will usually be applied to real-life situations.
- To help the students to prepare for varied competitive examinations
S -2. Macro Economics
- To familiarize students with the differences between microeconomics and macroeconomics
- To familiarize students with various concepts of national income
- To familiarize students with Keynesian macroeconomic theoretical framework of consumption and investment functions
- To introduce students to the role of money in an economy.
- To introduce students to the conceptual and theoretical frameworks of inflation, deflation and stagflation, Business Cycle.
- To familiarize students with the conceptual and theoretical framework of business cycles
- To introduce students to the role of monetary and fiscal policies in fulfilling the macroeconomic objectives of stability, full employment and growth.
- To introduce students to the various instruments of monetary and fiscal policies
General Paper-III: Indian Economic Development-I
- To relate and recognize the concept and indicators of Economic Development.
- To describe and analyse the concept and indicators of Human Development.
- To explain the characteristics of Developing and Developed Countries.
- To describe the constraints to the process of Economic Development.
Special Paper – III: International Economics-I
- To relate and recall the concepts of International Economics and International Trade.
- To describe and apply the theories of international trade.
- To explain and comprehend the issues relating to Terms of trade and Balance of Payment.
Special Paper – IV: Public Finance –I
- To relate and recognize the Nature and Scope of Public Finance.
- To describe and analyze the concept of Public Revenue and its components.
- To explain types of Public Expenditure and reasons for rising Public Expenditure.
- To explain the types of Public Debt and its effects.
Business Management
- Management of Business.
- Business planning and decision making
- Leadership Skills- Ability to work in teams at the same time, ability to show leadership qualities.