Course Outcome




    Course title



Gg-201 Practical Geography

(I)(Scale & Map

Projections) (II) (Cartographic Techniques, Surveying and

Excursion / Village/ Project Report)

  • Define map scale and projection
  • Apply practical skills to use the map scale and projection
  • Learn the new techniques, accuracy and skills of map-making
  • Acquired the Plane Table and Prismatic Compass Surviving techniques.
  • Known the components and functions of GPS
  • Measure Map Scales, conversion scales
  • Understand types of projections
  • Preparation of various graphs and diagrams
  • Get knowledge about Statistical Methods.
  • Understand the different surviving techniques like, Plane Table, and prismatic survey.
  • Acquire knowledge of preparation of drawingof profile with the help of Dumpy level.
  • Understand the socio-economic condition of the villages.


Environment Geography- I, Subject Code: Gg.210 (A)

  • Create the awareness about dynamic environment among the student.
  • Acquaint the students with fundamental concepts of environment geography for development in different areas.
  • Students should be able to integrate various factors of Environment and dynamic aspect of Environmental geography.
  • Aware the students about the problems of environment , their utilization and conservation in the view of sustainable development


Population Geography, Subject Code: Gg.220  (A/B)

  • Explain demographic concepts: Define and apply key demographic concepts,
  • Analyze population dynamics: Understand the factors that influence population growth, decline, and distribution, including fertility, mortality, migration, and urbanization.
  • Explain the history of population.
  • Understand the basic concepts in Population Geography.
  • Understand the types of Population data.  
  • Identify population patterns and trends
  • Introduce students to the Population Policy of India and China.
  • Evaluate the Health indicator in India.
  • Think critically about the urbanization in population geography.
  • Analyse the population theories
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