Course Outcome









Gg-301-A &B- (DSE 2 C& D)

Techniques of Spatial Analysis(I&II)

·      Understand techniques of geographical analysis, skill of SOI Toposheet interpretation.

·      Recognise Aerial Photographs and satellite Images and interpret with the help of Computer                     software.

·      Understand the specific Geographical Features

·      Construct a Brief Report of it.

·      Estimate the open source software and techniques of visualization.

·      Inferring Geographical data and analysis of data.

·      Executing test in geographical data.

·      Composing report about Geographical Problem and Socio economic condition




Gg. 320 A & B. Geography of India I & II

·      Interpret geography of our nation.

·      Estimate the magnitude and prospects of national resources.

·      Links inter- relationship between the course and the society.

·      Review the recent trends in regional studies.


Geography of Disaster Management-I CC1E and II

·      Associate concept of disaster with Geography

·      Predict the physical and human factors that contribute disaster risk and vulnerability.

·      Interpret disaster risk and management information effectively to various stakeholders using                 maps, reports, and presentations.

·      Correlate the effectiveness of different disaster

·      Integrating the complex relationships between human and natural systems in the context of                   disaster management.

·      Defending role of geography in addressing disaster risk reduction and management.

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