B.Com.(Business Management )



  1. Graduates will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of key business disciplines, including management, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, operations, and strategic planning.
  2. Graduates will be able to analyse complex business problems, evaluate information from multiple sources, and develop innovative solutions using critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. Graduates will possess strong communication skills, both written and oral, enabling them to effectively present ideas, negotiate, and interact professionally within diverse business environments.
  4. Graduates will exhibit leadership qualities and the ability to work collaboratively in teams, demonstrating effective management of tasks, projects, and interpersonal dynamics.
  5. Graduates will understand ethical principles and demonstrate ethical decision-making in business contexts, considering social responsibility and sustainability in their actions.
  6. Graduates will recognize the impact of globalization on business operations and demonstrate awareness of international business practices, cross-cultural communication, and global economic trends.
  7. Graduates will exhibit entrepreneurial thinking and innovation, with the ability to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and create value in entrepreneurial ventures or corporate settings.
  8. Graduates will have developed professional skills such as time management, adaptability, resilience, and conflict resolution, enhancing their effectiveness in professional roles.
  9. Graduates will have gained practical experience through internships, industry projects, case studies, simulations, or other experiential learning opportunities, applying theoretical knowledge to real world business challenges.
  10. Graduates will demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development, staying abreast of industry trends, technological advancements, and evolving business practices to maintain competitiveness in their careers.


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