Course Outcome
F.Y.B.Com.(Computer Application) According to N.E.P. 2020
Problem Solving Using C
C.O.1. Define algorithms and explain their characteristics
C.O. 2. Formulate algorithm and draw flow chart to solve a given problem
C.O. 3. Explain use of appropriate data types, control statements
C.O. 4. Demonstrate ability to use top-down program design
Database Management System
CO.1 To understand the basic concepts and the applications of database systems.
CO.2 To formulate Queries using SQL and Relational Formal Query Languages.
Business Mathematics
CO.1 Explore theoretical approach in practical situations
CO.2 To have better problem-solving skills
CO.3 To use effectively all the concepts in business
CO.4 It will help students to develop the logic and quantitative thinking
Principles and Practice of Management
C.O. 1. Use of available resources to achieve productive results at minimum cost and maximum profits
C.O. 2. To use effectively all the concepts in business
C.O. 3. Do effective administration by channelizing resources (human and material)
C.O. 4. To manage crucial situations
Office Automation tools
C.O.1 The students will be able to use various Office Automation Tools like MSWord, MS Excel & MS PowerPoint.
C.O.2 Use of modern office equipment in business or any office is intended to facilitate faster processing and delivery of information, accurate analysis of facts and figures, higher efficiency and productivity, and elimination of fatigue arising from per forming repetitive jobs manually. Office Automation Tools help in Word processing, Worksheet and presentation
Programming Principles and Algorithm
C.O.1 To understand how to use programming in day-to-day Applications
C.O.2 To apply skills of algorithm and flowchart to solve the businesses problem
Business Communication Skills-I
C.O.1 To understand the concept, process, and importance of communication
C.O.2 To apply gain knowledge of media of communication in businesses
C.O.3 To develop skills of effective communication – both written and oral
Environmental Awareness
C.O.1 To understand Environmental pollution.
C.O.2 To apply and promote green practices at home and at work