Course Outcome
501:Research Methodology
CO1:Developed an understanding of the right approach of Research Methodology and its role in Business.
CO2:Developed an understanding of the basic framework of the identification of various sources of information for data collection.
CO3:Developed an understanding of various Designs, Tools and Techniques of Research Study.
CO4:Enabled the students in conducting Research work and write Research Paper and Research Project Report.
502:Database Administration and Data Mining
CO1:Understood the Database Management System
CO2:Understood the Data Mining Concepts
CO3:Understood the current trends in Data Management
503:Business Ethics
CO1:Provided a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of Business Ethics
CO2:Developed theoretical tools to understand current ethical issues and their impacts on business. Analyzed the role of Ethics in business, Government and Society.
CO3:Analyzed the Ethical scenario concerning to Environment and consumer protection.
504:Management of Corporate Social Responsibility
CO1:Understood the concept and process of CSR
CO2:Understood the industrial contribution for CSR Policy
CO3:Understood the context of CSR of present-day Management
CO4:Understood the contribution of CSR for the development of Society
601: Essentials of E – Commerce
CO1:Understood the importance, role, and activities of E-Commerce.
CO2:Understood various E-Money and E-Payment systems used in E-Commerce.
CO3:Understood the concept of E-Marketing and its tools in E-Commerce.
CO4:Understood the concept of Cyber Space and Cyber Security in E-Commerce.
602:Management Information System
CO1:Described the basic concept of Information Technology and Management Information System.
CO2:Described the role of information technology and information systems in business.
CO3:Contrasted and compared how MIS support business processes.
CO4:Introduced the fundamental knowledge of Structured System Analysis and Design
603:Business Project Management
CO1:Developed a significant understanding of Project Management.
CO2:Developed a concept-based approach towards Management of Business Projects.
CO3:Developed the relationship between the significance of Businesses Projects & their Management.
604:Management of Innovations & Sustainability
CO1:Understood the concepts of Innovation and Sustainability in a practical sense.
CO2:For better knowledge of the significance of organisational sustainable development and the economic implications of sustainable development.
CO3:Learned about the most common errors made when handling sustainable growth.
CO4:Understood the concept of Sustainability Innovation. Understand socio-political aspects of sustainable development – social responsibility aspect.